McAfee – Bug Agent 5.6 resolved
McAfee has released McAfee Agent 5.6.1. In this release the following important bug is resolved: same client events are uploaded to the ePolicy Orchestrator server repeatedly. Discover what’s new in McAfee Agent 5.6, 5.6.1 and which other issues are resolved in this article.
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The release improves existing features:
- McAfee MVISION Endpoint Detection and Response (MVISION EDR) support: this release contains communication enhancements to support MVISION EDR.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.0 support: this release supports RHEL 8.0 version.
New features:
- McAfee Agent with integrated McAfee Data Exchange Layer (DXL) — McAfee Agent 5.6.0 bundles the McAfee Data Exchange Layer client 5.0 as a component. The Data Exchange Layer client is automatically installed on managed systems and connects to a DXL broker in your environment. DXL services run as part of McAfee Agent services. For information about using the DXL client, see the Data Exchange Layer client product documents.
- Code consolidation and merging of management client components — McAfee Agent 5.5.2 or later replaces the Product Improvement Program (PIP) with a new, more efficient and more secure product telemetry framework.
- Safe install – McAfee Agent 5.6.0 checks for incompatibilities with McAfee products before it is deployed on the client system using a McAfee ePO deployment task. McAfee Agent has a built-in content driven incompatibility specification list, which controls the McAfee product installation. McAfee Agent 5.6.0 can block the deployment of incompatible McAfee products on the client system based on the incompatibility specification list.
Read all new features and resolved issues in the release notes here.